What now? Adapting to the New Era of International Student Recruitment (United States & Canada)

  • A year after the Covid-19 pandemic first began to rip through the world, devastating national economies and bringing international mobility to an abrupt halt, this expert webinar provides an opportunity for the US and Canadian international student recruitment community to come together: to take stock, to share intelligence and experience, and to explore success strategies for a challenging future.

    This webinar will include a fresh analysis of the latest market intelligence, expert contributions from a panel of policy experts and university international chiefs, and time scheduled for open questions and peer-to-peer discussions.

    The event will seek to address key questions facing the US and Canadian international recruitment sector in 2021, including:
    * What have we learned from 2020?
    * What will life after Covid-19 look like?
    * How are universities’ recruitment strategies adapting to change?
    * How are students’ demands and expectations changing?
    * How far will the traditional three-year, residential degree offer be challenged by a post-pandemic marketplace?

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AECC Global’s Head of Global Digital Marketing Operations and member of the Global Steering Committee representing technology and marketing innovations.


What now? Adapting to the New Era of International Student Recruitment (United Kingdom & Ireland)


What now? Adapting to the New Era of International Student Recruitment (Australia & New Zealand)